Wizard Armageddon

Rodney W. Hartman

Book 12 of Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles

Language: English

Published: May 5, 2021


The exciting conclusion to the Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles.

The day of the Great Battle has finally arrived as the forces of light and dark face off in one last desperate attempt that will seal the fate of the three galaxies. As armies of demons, angels, humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves, spirit-animals, and dragons clash, mortals and immortals alike struggle for survival. Armored assault vehicles and soldiers equipped with advanced technology weapons fight shoulder to shoulder alongside magic users and elves wielding swords and spears. Above it all, fleets of space-going dreadnaughts slug it out in the cold vacuum of space for domination.

While the might of far-flung armies strive one against the other, plasma beams, phase cannons, fireballs, lightning bolts, and nuclear weapons take their toll on both sides. As the war quickly turns into a battle royal never intended to be seen by mortal eyes, Wizard Scout Richard Shepard, his battle computer Nickelo, and the elven High Priestess Jeena find themselves caught in the middle.

As past promises and enemies rear their ugly heads demanding an accounting, the salvation of the forces of light may well hinge on the courage of individuals and their willingness to sacrifice.

For Wizard Scout Richard Shepard, victory may well require a sacrifice no mortal man should ever have to bear.