Wizard Possessed

Rodney W. Hartman

Book 4 of Wizard Scout Missions

Language: English

Published: Nov 29, 2022


The Wizard Scout Missions series can be read in any order without previous knowledge of the wizard scout world.

Possession is nine-tenths of the law, or so they say. ‘They’ don’t know everything. Especially if they don’t know what is being possessed.

An ancient kingdom is saddled with a ruler who’s better at drinking and womanizing than leading his people. With a massive army threatening his land, the inept King Efrain seems hellbent on sacrificing his people in a vain search for glory. In short order, he places his army and people in a position where it would take a miracle to save them.

Although he’d argue he’s no miracle worker, Wizard Scout Richard Shepard has been tasked by the entity known as ‘the One’ to undo the ill King Efrain has committed upon his kingdom. The only problem is, Richard isn’t being sent as a wizard scout. Instead, he’s forced to possess King Efrain’s body and be the king for all intents and purposes. As King Efrain, he’s hated by his people and scorned by his enemies. Even so, Richard must somehow earn the respect of his soldiers while fighting against enemies both foreign and domestic.

In a time before magic, and without his wizard scout abilities, can even Richard hope to revive the morale of a beaten army and lead them to victory over a vastly superior foe.

With the help of his battle computer, Nickelo, and the beautiful Queen Anastasia at his side, Richard must once again defy the odds and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Can even a wizard scout hope to succeed? Or will the course of history on Portalis be changed forever?