Wizard Angelic

Rodney W. Hartman

Book 10 of Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles

Language: English

Published: Nov 23, 2019


Wizard Scouts are the greatest fighting force the Intergalactic Empire has ever assembled, but some things exist which even their vaunted technology and psionic abilities cannot hope to match; or can they?

For countless millenniums angels and demons have battled unseen for the hearts and souls of the three galaxies. Those days of hidden battles are rapidly coming to a close as Wizard Scout Richard Shepard and the crew of the recon ship Defiant find themselves dead center in the thickest of the fighting.

Leading a combined force of UHAAV armored vehicles, ten-meter-tall giants, and human, elf, and dwarf magic users, Richard must take them to a place where even wizard scouts fear to tread; the gates of hell itself.

Will even the help of Richard’s wise-cracking battle computer Nickelo and the beautiful elf high priestess Jeena be enough? Only the angels know for sure, and they aren't telling.