Wizard Guardian

Rodney W. Hartman

Book 3 of Wizard Scout Missions

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2021


The Wizard Scout Missions series can be read in any order without previous knowledge of the wizard scout world.

Wizard Scouts are the elite recon forces of the Intergalactic Empire. Equipped with advanced technology gear combined with psionic-like abilities, they are the greatest fighting force the galaxy has ever known.

Wizard Scout Richard Shepard and his battle computer Nickelo are sent by a mysterious entity known only as ‘the One ’ on a clandestine mission to the planet Yondor to seek out the location of a cache of weapons that could well turn the course of the war between the Intergalactic Empire and the bat-like Crosioians in the bats’ favor.

With little to go on, and the untimely intervention of a deadly spy with the face of an angel, Richard is faced with what could well turn out to be an impossible task. With failure almost certainly sentencing billions of the Empire’s citizens to death, Richard has no option but to find a way to succeed.

With the odds stacked against him, Richard’s only option is to continue forward and do the best he can. What else can he do?

After all. He was a wizard scout.