Moons' Dancing

Marguerite Krause & Susan Sizemore

Book 2 of Children of the Rock

Language: English

Publisher: Five Star

Published: Oct 1, 1999


Volume 2 in the "Children of the Rock Duology "Picking up where Volume 1 left off, Princess Vray is returning home from her exile, and her brother, Prince Damon, is seeking to silence her permanently. Dael, her childhood infatuation, has become much more -- together, they must find a way to bring a new generation of Dreamers into their world, or all the kingdoms may be lost. As events and plans intertwine and move at faster and faster speeds, everything will come together in one, final, climactic battle between good and evil.

Susan Sizemore is the proud mother of a spoiled mutt with a remarkable resemblance to the ancient Egyptian god Anubis. Marguerite Krause is married, and the mother of two brilliant, award-winning children . . . who are both finally in college!