
Louise Cooper

Book 7 of Indigo

Language: English

Publisher: Tor

Published: Jan 1, 1992


A town without pity. Or humor. Or joy of any kind.

The villagers of Joyful Travail are as cold as their stone dwellings - not a smile is seen, a joke told...or a child's laugh heard. Property, wealth, and only those things that will further the avarice of the townspeople are all that matters - and anyone who sees that which could bring joy back to the world is deemed a halfwit...or worse. As the immortal Indigo and her wolf companion Grimya struggle against the sadness that seems to surround these dire folk, one fact becomes crystal clear.

There is happiness to be found in Joyful Travail...but will Indigo have to destroy all who live in the village to truly set them free?