Theirs to Claim

Diana McKinley

Language: English

Published: Apr 26, 2015


For years, Gabriel McPherson and Noah Johnston have served their country. First in the Marine Corps and now as agents of a special FBI task force whose sole purpose it is to find the most debase of criminals, those who target and harm children, and bring them to justice. Yet neither man could have predicted that while they were away on a case, the one woman holding their collective hearts in her hand, was at home, fighting off a predator of her own.

When Emily Matherson finds yet another plain, brown envelope in her mail, she knows that time has run out for her. For two months, one envelope has arrived each week with pictures of her taken by an unknown stalker. She's involved the authorities and taken precautions to make sure she was as safe as possible, but somehow it hasn't been enough.

As the danger mounts, the three of them will have to chart a path that they've never allowed themselves to tread before. But will love and determination be enough to protect Emily, Gabriel, and Noah from the predator's own plans?