Voyage to the City of the Dead

Alan Dean Foster

Book 4 of Humanx Commonwealth

Language: English

Publisher: Del Rey

Published: Aug 1, 1985



Many worlds of the Humanx Commonwealth boasted of "natural wonders," but Horseye was truly unique--the planet, had the most spectacular river valley anywhere in the known universe and was home to three alien cultures.

The fascinating planet. just cried out for proper study, and after months of impatient quarantine Etienne and Lyra Redowl had finally received permission to begin a voyage of exploration to the source of the River Skar, a mere 12,000 kilometers Upriver.

Old hands at cracking new planets, the Redowls studied the aliens languages, took local guides, and provided for emergencies. But nothing could prepare them for the awesome treachery of the natives or the unbelievable natural obstacles. And not even the natives understood the planet's deepest secret....

Irritating Horseye!

Many worlds of the Humanx Commonwealth boasted of "natural wonders" but Horseye was truly unique -- the planet had the most spectacular river valley anywhere in the known universe and was home to three alien cultures.

The fascinating planet just cried out for proper study, and after months of impatient quarantine Etienne and Lyra Redolw had finally received permission to begin a voyage of exploration to the source fo the River Skar, a mere 12,000 kilometers Upriver.

Old hands at cracking new planets, the Redowls studied the aliens languages, took local guides, and provided for emergencies. But nothing could prepare them for the awesome treachery of the natives or the unbelievable natural obstacles. And not even the natives understood the planet's deepest secret...