The Parallel Man

Richard L. Purtill

Language: English

Publisher: DAW

Published: Jul 3, 1984

Pages: 158


Being a clone can certainly have its advantages. For one thing, it's unlikely that someone would go to the trouble to clone the average Joe on the street; more likely one would seek to duplicate a brilliant statesman, a scientific genius, a famous poet, or perhaps a legendary king....

But then again, being a clone can certainly have its problems. If someone sought to replicate a powerful person from history it wouldn't be without a reason. There could be scores of Napoleons, dozens of Julius Caesars... But if it was an evil sorcerer who cloned you, and you didn't know his motives, you could be the focal point of disaster.

Prince Casmir thought his life was challenging enough as it was, but when he discovered the truth about himself, battling firedrakes seemed like child's play, and his life opened like a horrible Pandora's box. For once the secret was out, there was no end to the dangers which double-shadowed his every move!