The Closers

Michael Connelly

Book 11 of Harry Bosch

Language: English

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

Published: May 16, 2005

Pages: 432


After three years as a PI, Harry Bosch returns to the LAPD. The superb page-turning eleventh Bosch novel from the award-winning No. 1 bestselling author.

Harry is back, assigned to the LAPD's Open-Unsolved Unit with his former cop ally and partner, Kizmin Rider. These detectives are the Closers. They are thrown into a politically sensitive and dangerous case when a white supremacist is connected to the 1988 murder of a mixed race girl.

The police department has changed, but one thing hasn't - Harry's nemesis, Irving. The former Deputy Chief has been pushed from power and given a virtually meaningless new role. Full of vengeance, Irving calls Harry a 'retread'. He watches from the sidelines like an injured bear, hoping Harry will make a mistake . . .

After three years out of the LAPD, Harry Bosch returns to find the department a different place from the one he left. A new police chief has been brought in from New York to give the place a thorough clean up from top to bottom. Working with his former partner, Kiz Rider, Harry is assigned to the department s Open-Unsolved Unit, working on the thousands of cold cases that haunt the LAPD s files. These detectives are the Closers. They put a shovel in the dirt and turn over the past. By applying new techniques to old evidence they aim to unearth some hidden killers and bring them to justice, for a city that forgets its murder victims is a city lost.

Harry and Kiz are given a politically sensitive case when a DNA match connects a white supremacist to the 1988 murder of Rebecca Verloren, a sixteen-year-old girl. Becky was of mixed race, and the case appears to have a racial angle. This was LA before the riots and Rodney King, when the city was a powder keg waiting for a match. The detectives who worked the case all those years ago seem to have done a decent job, but something doesn t fit.

Meanwhile Harry s nemesis, Deputy Chief Irving, is watching him. In the new clean LAPD Irving has been sidelined to a meaningless job. Compelled by vengeance, he hopes Harry will make a slip.
