Fantastic Schools Staff

Christopher Nuttall

Book 7 of Fantastic Schools

Language: English

Published: Nov 15, 2023


You’ve met the students of magic schools, but what about the staff? What is it like to work in a magic school, to teach students and serve as their mentors and disciplinarians and everything else young minds need? We know their types … the headmasters – kindly or unpleasant; the teachers – friendly or cruel; the matrons and assistants and inspectors and janitors, all of whom have their own role to play beyond being characters in a student-themed story. But what is it like to be them?

Come meet a teacher trying to set up a whole new school, in the face of heavy opposition, and another who has to deal with a fairy infestation; meet a teacher who has a mission of his own and another who must take a stand against his own headmaster, for fear of letting the school be plunged into darkness …