Blood Orchid

Stuart Woods

Book 3 of Holly Barker

Language: English

Publisher: Penguin

Published: Oct 14, 2002


Blood Orchid: the name of Ed Shine's favorite flower --- and his latest real-estate venture. New to town, the dapper developer makes the acquaintance of Holly, her father, Ham, and her wily Doberman, Daisy, just as Holly is trying to get her life back together after the shattering loss of someone very close to her. But before she can settle back into her routine, bullets crash into the home of a friend and a floater is found bobbing in the Intercoastal Waterway. Joining forces with a handsome FBI agent, Holly tracks the clues straight back to their source, only to find a scam more lucrative and more dangerous than any this idyllic town --- and Holly --- has ever seen ...