For a Few Souls More

Guy Adams

Book 3 of Heaven's Gate Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: Solaris

Published: Dec 30, 2014


The uprising in Heaven is at an end and Paradise has fallen, becoming the forty-third state of America. Now angels and demons must learn to get along with humans. The rest of the world is in uproar. How can America claim the afterlife as its own? It’s certainly going to try as the President sets out for the town of Wormwood for talks with its governor, the man they call Lucifer.
Hell has problems of its own. There’s a new evangelist walking its roads, trying to bring the penitent to paradise, and a new power is rising. Can anyone stand up to the Godkiller? **

About the Author

Guy Adams is the author of the fantasy novels The World House and its sequel Restoration, as well as the Deadbeat series from Titan Books. He has also written two Torchwood novels for BBC Books; and The Case Notes of Sherlock Holmes, a fictional facsimile of a scrapbook kept by Doctor John Watson. This was published in 2009 by Carlton Books in association with the Estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the writer’s birth. The first of two brand new Sherlock Holmes novels, The Breath of God, was published by Titan Books late in 2011 with The Army of Doctor Moreau to follow. Book One of the Heaven's Gate Trilogy, The Good, The Bad and The Infernal was published in April 2013, with the sequel, Once Upon a Time in Hell following in January 2014.