Defending the Lost

Justin Sloan & Michael Anderle

Book 6 of Reclaiming Honor

Language: English

Publisher: LMBPN Publishing

Published: Aug 6, 2017


A time of reckoning has come for the council of Toro, a bandit city about to burst with corruption and injustice.

Valerie refuses to allow her world to rot, and she's brought friends to help her teach the council a lesson.

As if that weren't enough, Cammie and Royland have begun to rule the former pirate island.

This involves ensuring there are no nearby threats, so while these two might be perfect for each other, they have business to attend to before they can sit back and bask in their newfound positions of power.

And down south, New York has risen up out of the sewers it once occupied.

It's a new world, one Sandra and the others might just one day soon be able to enjoy without bloodshed.

Someday... maybe.

Defending the Lost is part of The Kurtherian Gambit Universe.


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Related Books by Justin Sloan


SYNDICATE WARS (A Seppukarian Series - Space Marine Time Travel)

First Strike

The Resistance

Fault Line

False Dawn (August 2017)

Eternal Conflict (September 2017)

Empire Rising (October 2017)


THE HIDDEN MAGIC CHRONICLES (An Age of Magic Series - Epic Fantasy Series)
Shades of Light
Shades of Dark 
Shades of Glory (2017)

FALLS OF REDEMPTION (Epic Fantasy Series)
Land of Gods
Retribution Calls
Tears of Devotion
Tribulations Past (2017)

MODERN NECROMANCY (Supernatural Thriller Trilogy)
Death Marked
Death Bound
Death Crowned

ALLIE STROM (Urban Fantasy Trilogy)
Allie Strom and the Ring of Solomon
Allie Strom and the Sword of the Spirit
Allie Strom and the Tenth Worthy

CURSED NIGHT (Supernatural Thriller/ Urban Fantasy)
Hounds of God
Hounds of Light
Hounds of Blood (2017)

RECLAIMING HONOR (A Kurtherian Gambit Series - vampires and werewolves)
Justice is Calling
Claimed by Honor
Judgment has Fallen
Angel of Reckoning
Born into Flames
Defending the Lost