Ghost House Revenge

Clare McNally

Book 2 of Ghost House

Language: English

Publisher: DCA, Inc.

Published: May 1, 1981


Freed of the ancient ghost that pined for Melanie's love, the VanBuren family now faces a modern-day spirit with one terrifying obsession: she wants the children! Melanie and Gary must do all they can to keep Gina, Kyle and Nancy out of the clutches of evil. If they thought the horror was in the past they were sadly mistaken…

Don’t miss this electrifying sequel to Ghost House!


“A macabre imagination and a tight rein on your nerves are required for McNally's latest release.” ~Publishers Weekly on Good Night, Sweet Angel

“You won’t sleep after you read this one!” ~The West Orange Times on Somebody Come and Play


Clare McNally began a successful writing career at the age of 23, with the publication of Ghost House in 1980. She is the author of thirteen novels in the Horror/Supernatural genre, and her best-selling novels have been published in several languages, including Norwegian, Swedish, and Dutch. Clare is a lifetime resident of Long Island, where she lives with her husband, Mike. They are the parents of four adult children and will soon welcome a son-in-law.

Ghost House Revenge was originally published by Onyx Books, an imprint of Penguin. This is the first time it is available as an e-book. Be sure to check out Clare’s other e-books, Ghost House, Good Night Sweet Angel, Come Down into Darkness, and Cries of the Children!
