Defiance Box Set

Teddy K Chapin

Language: English

Published: Apr 7, 2015


Sixteen-year-old Katlynn was fated from birth to marry a man she had never met. Defying her family's legacy, she set food on a journey that would change the world of Belstrom forever.

A love that brought an empire to its knees...

Book One:
Sixteen-year-old Katlynn was fated to marry Prince Nikolas of the royal Curo magic family. Being defiant to the Runic magic family traditions was not what Katlynn desired, what she did want, was her happily ever after with the lowly priest Amon of the Freya Priesthood. Outrunning the King’s guard to the city of refuge, Eken, may prove to be more difficult than they both suspect. Trading in her royal garments for rags, and safety for uncertainty, Katlynn embarks on a journey that will not only change her life, but possibly the fate of the entire Kingdom of Belstrom forever.

Book Two:
Ten years as Illadari and Tessla have transpired since they arrived in Silvermeer. Life seemed to be going as planned. Illadari was a High Priest in the Halls of the Living, and Tessla tended to the care and needs of their son, Kessler and their home. Then suddenly one day, everything in their lives changed forever. The illusion that was set over Silvermeer which protected them had vanished, and their son was nowhere to be found. Fighting for their freedom, fighting for their lives, they sought deliverance.

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