Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits

Robin McKinley & Peter Dickinson

Book 2 of Tales of Elemental Spirits

Language: English

Publisher: Firebird

Published: Oct 1, 2009


After "Water" comes "Fire" - five stories from Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson about the necessary yet dangerous element. In these tales, a boy and his dog are unexpected guests on a dragonrider's first flight. A slave saves his village with a fiery magic spell. A girl's new friend, the guardian of a mystical bird, is much older than he appears. A young man walks the spirit world to defeat a fireworm. A mysterious dog is a key player in an eerie graveyard showdown. These five short stories are full of magic, mystery, and wonder.
"This collection of beautifully crafted tales will find a warm welcome from fans of either author, as well as from fantasy readers in general." - "School Library Journal"