Checkmate Charlie

Scott Baron

Book 9 of The Dragon Mage

Language: English

Publisher: Curiouser

Published: Jan 1, 2019


In an intergalactic pool of tech and magic, Charlie found himself in the warm spot. Whether or not that was a good thing only time would tell.

Friends and comrades had put their lives on the line, defending not only their homes and loved ones, but their galaxy as well. Both galaxies, to be exact. And more than a few had paid the ultimate price.

Now the threat of a massive war spilling over between both realms had gone from a vague threat to a deadly reality, and facing Visla Dominus’s incredible power, Charlie and his friends were forced to call in every favor they were owed.

Even so, there was no guarantee of success. Underdogs to the last, Charlie and his friends prepared themselves for the battle to end all battles, one that would result in either victory or death.

The final book in the Dragon Mage series.