Castaway Charlie

Scott Baron

Book 10 of The Dragon Mage

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2021


Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Charlie’s Law: Murphy was an optimist.

Trapped in a distant galaxy run by magic instead of technology? Check.
Kidnapped by space pirates and alien slave traders? Check.
Nearly eaten by wild dragons in gladiatorial combat? Check.
Locked in an interstellar war spanning galaxies? Check.

Charlie had faced it all, and yet somehow he and his friends had managed to come out on top. But now, at the peak of his powers, something new was coming over the horizon, and it was a threat the likes of which he’d never imagined.

Facing a desperate struggle against all odds, Charlie suddenly found himself forced to dig deeper than ever before, for it was not just his life on the line this time, but also those of his dearest friends. If he could somehow come out on top they would live to fight another day. Anything less would mean death. Or worse.