Portal Thief Charlie

Scott Baron

Book 6 of The Dragon Mage

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2019


Charlie had a constant companion everywhere he went. Unfortunately, its name was Trouble.

Space portals to another galaxy were just the beginning of the worries piled high on Charlie's plate. Not only was he facing a hostile band of alien mercenaries, hell-bent on capturing his home and enslaving his people, but now, it seemed, there was something more afoot.

With his homeworld, solar system, and even the entire galaxy at risk, Charlie and the great AI minds of Earth had to make a decision. Would they wait for the alien aggressors to make their next move, or would they step up and take the fight to them? Whatever the decision, Charlie knew he and his friends would be in for the fight of their lives. And against an anemy more powerful than any they'd ever imagined.