The Road to Ehvenor

Joel Rosenberg

Book 6 of Guardians of the Flame

Language: English

Publisher: ROC

Published: Jan 1, 1991

Pages: 312


The sixth novel in Joel Rosenberg's best selling GUARDIANS OF THE FLAME fantasy series features Walter Slovotsky as narrator, famous for his offbeat sense of humor, wisecracking and ironic -- sometimes cynical -- disposition. He is, of course, a warrior as well, and he leads his veteran allies on a mission to Ehvenor, a town where the strange and often dangerous world of the Faerie are leaking from their space into this world. Their encounters and battles along the way lead up to a final confrontation, with some unexpected results.

This series "boasts energy, wit and a strong moral sensibility." - Publisher's Weekly

Joel Rosenberg (1954-2011) grew up reading Robert A. Heinlein, L. Sprague de Camp, Gordon R. Dickson and Rafael Sabatini, and found himself becoming a writer pretty much as a natural outcome of such early influences.

He is best known as the author of the Guardians of the Flame fantasy series, although his other science fiction and fantasy -- particularly the Mordred’s Heirs series, published by Baen Books -- has been drawing him new fans.

Outside of science fiction and fantasy, he was known as a terrific amateur cook, a particularly good firearms instructor and remarkably bad bridge player. He lived in Minneapolis MN, with his wife Felicia Herman and two daughters, five cats, and the most useless dog ever born.

From Publishers Weekly

The moderately involving sixth installment in the Guardians of the Flame series, following The Warrior Lives , finds Walter Slovotsky, the dwarf Ahira, wizard Andrea Cullinane and her son Jason on the road to Ehvenor to find out why the world of Faerie appears to be increasing its disruptive incursions into Eren, the world of men. They are also searching for Mikyn, Jason's childhood friend, who appears to have taken on the identity of the Warrior (originally Jason's father, Karl) and begun indiscriminately killing slave owners. The rescue of Walter's associates from Home, the settlement devoted to developing Earth technology in Eren, nearly leads to the group's destruction. But they finally reach Ehvenor, only to find an even more dangerous mission involving a malignant spirit (or faerie lord) and Faerie's chaotic, vastly different natural laws. Rosenberg's continuing saga of seven fantasy-game players translated from Earth to a magic-ridden medieval land has its moments, training a wry modern sensibility on unsavory practices like slave trading. Unfortunately, as is the case with many series, it will be difficult for new readers to drop in at this point and find their bearings, although a few hints are vouchsafed.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Kirkus Reviews

A long, long road indeed: sixth of Rosenberg's fantasy Guardians of the Flame'' series (The Warrior Lives, 1988), wherein various characters from Earth struggle to right wrongs in a world where magic works. Here, a doorway into the dark land of Faerie has opened, allowing assorted dire creatures through. So our heroes set forth to investigate: Jason, callow son and heir of the late, famous Karl Cullinane; narrator and leader, the gabby wiseacre Walter Slovotsky; the female warrior Tennetty; the dwarf Ahira; and Andrea Cullinane, who will expend all her wizardly powers to close the opening into Faerie. To complicate the picture somewhat, anotherwarrior lives'' character has appeared, masquerading as the dead Karl Cullinane in order to attack and daunt the slave dealers; unfortunately, Mikyn, a friend of Jason's, has also taken to murdering law-abiding citizens. Oh, and Walter has marital problems. The same recipe as before: heroic travelogue in a hollow and makeshift setting, sustained by verbose commentary and interspersed with bouts of bloodthirsty action. An inflatable yarn with no real reason for being. -- Copyright ©1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal

An influx of magical creatures from the border of faerie brings veteran adventurer Walter Slovetsky out of semi-retirement to confront his greatest challenge--his own fear of commitment. With each volume in the series, Rosenberg moves further away from his original premise in which fantasy gameplayers found themselves transported to their gameworld. Although the ambience of fantasy heroes with modern sensibilities still provides a major source of the series' appeal, the author's maturing storytelling talent transcends the need for an obvious "hook." Also known for his fast-paced military sf, Rosenberg is emerging as a significant fantasy author. Recommended where the series is popular.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

About the Author

Joel Rosenberg was born in 1954. The author of many science fiction and fantasy novels, he is best known for his Guardians of the Flame fantasy series. He lives in Minneapolis with his wife Felicia, two daughters, one sister, five cats, one dog and a couple of dozen fish.

--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.