Medics Wild

Darrell Bain

Language: English

Published: Mar 1, 1997


Meet the Williard brothers, the wildest, zaniest, most adventurous trio since The Three Musketeers. "Medics Wild," the first volume of a remarkable new humor/adventure series, takes place at the height of the Vietnam war.

When the Williard brothers get going, any resemblance to a real war is purely coincidental. From riding a six hundred pound beer-crazed hog through the streets of Binh Hoa, to jungle juice parties to end all parties, to regularly losing fifteen million dollar jets, the Williards mix fun, flying and fighting, sex and silliness, medicine and madness and everything in between in their quest for adventure, right on up until the great Tet offensive. This epic battle marks their true coming of age, setting the stage for their future roles in civilian life, and prepares them for their next great madcap adventure. Wilder than MAS*H, a hilarious romp--but providing much food for thought about the military.