Power Games: Operation Enduring Unity I

Richard A. Peters

Book 1 of Operation Enduring Unity

Language: English

Published: Oct 21, 2013


A hung Electoral College vote turns the routine transfer of presidential power into a high-stakes poker game. Inauguration day is approaching fast and our government is locked in a constitutional tug-of-war between a stubborn Congress, overreaching Supreme Court and the popular, but lame duck president. An 11th hour deal is finally within sight, just as the populist governor of Florida tries a dangerous stunt.When violence becomes the decisive force in American politics, can anyone put the genie back in the bottle? Will cooler heads prevail over the extremism? Does anyone really want them to? A little rebellion now and again is good for the tree of liberty, right? If nothing else, chaos breeds opportunity for the ambitious... But politics is boring. This is a story of regular Americans caught up in the storm of war and how normal folk hold the fate of the nation in their hands. When the tail wags the dog, the elites are only along for the ride. From the rhetoric-stained halls of power to the reluctant warfighters representing the last firing line of domestic policy, I will take you on an extreme tour of the next major chapter in US history. Keep low, stay alert, and just maybe you'll survive a tour of duty in Operation Enduring Unity.About the Author:Richard Peters is a US Army veteran who spent 27 months bringing peace at any price to the post-apocalyptic streets and mahalla's of Baghdad.