World War 97 Part 3

David J. Normoyle

Book 3 of World War 97

Language: English

Published: Aug 4, 2015


Jordi Roberts killed his wife. It was self-defense, but that doesn’t matter to the director of the Bureau, who wants his head. He is on the run and has been proclaimed as a murderer and a terrorist on the airwaves.
There are still so many unanswered questions, though, and Jordi needs to discover the truth before he is sent to jail for the rest of his life. After stripping through lie after lie to get this far, Jordi fears what he’ll ultimately find.
Finally, in one of the chasms of the undercity, Jordi finds answers—and it goes beyond the present struggles of the American Conference and leads to a conspiracy that has held the world in its thrall for over a thousand years.
Part 3 of a 5-part serial. Each part is around sixty pages long. Parts 4 and 5 are due out in September and October.