Wixon's Day

Phil M. Williams

Book 1 of Estalia

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Nov 10, 2012


The first book in the epic Estalia series.Clouds conceal the nation of Estalia, where a lone boatman makes his way across its freezing landscape. Marquos drifts through the dystopian empire without meaning, searching for hope of a better future as he scavenges to survive.   In the Deadland of the North, they say the sky is clear, and the stars shine: Marquos dreams of seeing it, believing that there is something more to this world.  With rebels plaguing the canals, hunted by the authoritarian Border Guard, and the guards of the Metropolis pursuing Marquos for his attempts to liberate a child, the route north is wrought with peril. Both the despotic militants, who rule without true governance, and the ragged bands of fighters who resist them, vie for the boatman's support, and Marquos is drawn into a war many others don't realise exists. His journey is not just into the inhospitable North, but into the darkest truths of his people and their history, unravelling secrets as foggy as the world around him.