The Systemic Series

K. W. Callahan

Book 0 of The Systemic Series

Language: English


Published: Jul 10, 2015


This download includes all five books of the Systemic Series: “Downfall”, “Quest”, “Descent”, “Forsaken”, and “Ascension”.

Something terrible is breeding in the mountains of northwest China…a virus so infectious, its symptoms so overwhelming that its mortality rate is almost absolute. The “Su flu” as it eventually becomes known, ravages the body of its host, killing it in days, and worse yet, it’s gone airborne. Just weeks after making its appearance on the world stage – the earth’s population held as its captive audience – the virus has taken that stage and annihilated nearly all its spectators.

Writer and stay-at-home dad John Stevens never considered himself a “prepper” like the ones he’d seen on television. Just a regular guy, married to a regular girl, with a wonderful two-year-old son, life in the suburbs of Chicago is good, and John and his family are living the American dream…that is, until the Su flu strikes.

With mankind suddenly gripped by the worst pandemic in history, will the foresight that led John to prepare some emergency supplies and an evacuation plan be enough for him and his family to survive not just this deadly virus but the chaos that ensues?

Surviving the flu was just the beginning of the struggle for John Stevens and his family. After a vicious and unprovoked attack by rogue mercenaries forced them to abandon their camp deep within the forests of southern Illinois, they find themselves thrust in a vastly different world from the one they once knew.

Now John and his group must struggle not only to find a place to call home, but learn how to survive in a landscape that no longer knows the comforts of modern amenities. But not everyone who survived the flu is content to keep to themselves, and as John and his family will soon discover, outsiders are watching…waiting…and wanting what they have.

It’s been nearly six months since the deadliest pandemic the planet has ever known decimated the world’s population.

John Stevens has discovered that it’s not the virus that has proved most dangerous to him and his family though, but the people it left behind.

So when they stumble across a small farm in rural Georgia, inhabited by a contentedly quiet farmer and his welcoming wife, they are pleasantly surprised to learn that not everyone left on the planet has become lawless renegades.

But not all is as it seems at this peaceful homestead.

Oh, and by the way; guess who else is back? Yep…Jake and Ava. They’re on the prowl, and like John and his family, looking for a place to settle down, but they have much different intentions in mind.

It’s been an arduous journey since John Stevens rallied his family together in the remote forests of southern Illinois in an effort to shelter them from the most devastating pandemic in history.

Now they’ve finally discovered a secluded spot in the abandoned town of Olsten, Georgia where they finally feel safe from the dangers of the outside world. But are they?

While John and his family look for solace from the Su flu’s aftermath, Jake Stines and Ava Acadro are searching for anything but isolation. They’re looking to make their way – no, force their way – into a world that fits them perfectly – no rules, no laws, no mercy.