Hot Times in Magma City, 1990-95

Robert Silverberg

Book 8 of The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg

Language: English

Publisher: Subterranean Press

Published: Aug 31, 2013


The stories in this volume were written between July of 1990 and March of 1995--the second half of the fifth decade of my career as a science-fiction writer. I don't think I could have imagined, when I began that career in the early 1950s, that science-fiction publishing would evolve the way it did over the next forty years.

In the Clone Zone
Hunters in the Forest
A Long Night’s Vigil at the Temple
Thebes of the Hundred Gates
It Comes and Goes
Looking for the Fountain
The Way to Spook City
The Red Blaze is the Morning
Death Do Us Part
The Martian Invasion Journals of Henry James
Crossing into the Empire
The Second Shield
Hot Times in Magma City