
Ben Bova

Book 1 of The Grand Tour

Language: English

Publisher: Bantam Books

Published: Dec 15, 1992


Mars, "the bloody planet," is a world shrouded in mystery. As the source of endless fascination, Mars offers us the most promise for finding evidence of life. Half Navajo American Jamie Waterman is a geologist whose dream comes true when he is selected for the first landing team on Mars. He endures the rigors of training, the personality conflicts and political intrigues, as well as the dangers of travelling over 100 million kilometers in space. Once the international crew lands on Mars, they discover they must battle not only the alien land they have invaded but earthbound bureaucrats as well. As they head toward a chasm that is ten times larger than the Grand Canyon, the twenty-five astronauts come face-to-face with the most shocking discovery of all.

Geologist Jamie Waterman is a last-minute replacement on the first international Mars landing team. He endures training rigors, personality conflicts, political intrigues, and over 100 million kilometers travel in space. The crew battle an alien landscape and earthbound bureaucrats. Heading toward a chasm over 10 times the Arizona Grand Canyon, they make a shocking find.

Jamie Waterman is a young Navaho geologist who is picked for the ground team of the first manned expedition to Mars. He will be joining an international team of astronauts and scientists. But once the crew land on Mars, they soon discover they must battle not only the alien land on which they have invaded but earthbound bureaucrats as well. When they come face to face with a chasm ten times as deep and large as the Grand Canyon, all twenty-five astronauts must face the most shocking discovery of all...