The Starcrossed

Ben Bova

Language: English

Publisher: Ace

Published: Jan 1, 1975


A stinging SFnal, futuristic satire on the TV industry, based on Ben's and Harlan Ellison's involvement in a real TV series, THE STARLOST.

(Bova dedicates the novel to "Cordwainer Bird", the pen name Harlan Ellison uses when he does not want to be associated with a television or film project.)

Television in the 21st century, where ratings are everything... Physicist Bill Oxford has just developed a device that can make the networks even more powerful, and now he is caught in the most vicious battle of the future: the ratings war!

Harlan's script won a major award (though his script isn't what was filmed!); and ReAnimus Press has the novel edition of his award-winning version (PHOENIX WITHOUT ASHES).

A delightful bit of fun in the future, poking fun at those who should be poked.
