Other Times Than Peace

David Drake

Book 16 of Hammer's Slammers

Language: English

Publisher: Baen

Published: Dec 1, 2011


Heed the Slammers Battle Cry!

A warrior's truth: "In the long run, everybody's dead. So screw the long run!" Patriotic hoo-ha may be well-and-good for recruitment parades, but David Drake's battle-hardened mercenaries know it takes tanks, guns and grit to win when the real fighting flares. Yet peace brings its own problems to old soldiers—for killing potential enemies in battle is self-limiting, but once the killing starts in peacetime, there may be no end to the madness.

Two new "Hammer's Slammers" adventures crown this masterful collection of hard-hitting SF tales from legendary military SF action-master and best-seller, David Drake.

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Vietnam veteran, former lawyer, former bus driver, and now bestselling author, David Drake tells a military story like no other. His readers recognize that he can take them where no one else can, with gut-wrenching description that puts them face-to-face with the enemy, and in the midst of the action right on the battlefield. He helped create the audience for mercenary military science fiction with his best-selling "Hammer's Slammers" books. Drake graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Iowa, majoring in history (with honors) and Latin. His stint at Duke University Law School was interrupted for two years by the U.S. Army, where he served as an enlisted interrogator with the 11th Armored Cavalry in Vietnam and Cambodia. Drake has a wife, a son, and various pets.
