Stellar Legacy

Kevin McLaughlin

Book 2 of Adventures of the Starship Satori

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2017


A wild jump into uncharted space saves the starship Satori and her crew from their near brush with death. With a badly damaged ship and injured crew, the planet with breathable air they find on the far side of their jump seems like a stroke of luck. But they quickly learn that they've only gone from one danger into another far greater threat. The planet they find is ruined, abandoned, and devastated by some long ago war. Was it once the home of the civilization that built the wormhole drive? What happened to them? As the crew begin their search for clues, they stumble across the remnants of a war a thousand years old and an enemy more terrifying than anything mankind has ever faced. Excerpt: "Oh," Beth said in a distracted voice. "Beth, what the heck is up with you?" Dan went beside her to see what she was looking at. She was watching a radar screen, showing the airspace around them. It was pretty easy to read. Satori was dead center on the screen, and everything in the air nearby showed up with a number next to it showing relative altitude. When he'd last looked at the screen, there was nothing except the occasional satellite passing overhead. That had changed. That had changed a lot. Something very large was flying into radar range, about thirty miles above them and coming down fast. As he watched, the object broke apart, smaller bits flying off. "Majel, what is it? Asteroid?" Dan asked. The larger object was still showing as about five hundred meters long and nearly half as wide. If it was a rock, it was going to make one hell of a crater, and they'd need to be long gone before it came down. "Negative," came the computer's answer. "Object is decelerating." This book is a heavily revised second edition of the original volume. The story length has been increased by about 20%, adding enormously more background to the characters and deepening of the personality of the world and crew. If you've already read the first edition, you won't need to read this version to catch up - but fans of the series are sure to enjoy this expanded and improved "Author's Preferred Edition"!