Tales of Tinfoil: Stories of Paranoia and Conspiracy

Nick Cole & Lucas Bale & Michael Bunker

Language: English

Published: Apr 14, 2015


Tales of Tinfoil: Stories of Paranoia and Conspiracy by Nick Cole, Lucas Bale, Michael Bunker

What is Tales of Tinfoil?

It is a dark reimagining of every conspiracy theory that ever lived. It is the JFK assassination, Area 51, the moon landing, the surveillance state. It is a French spy posing as Abraham Lincoln, it is a video game designed by the CIA, it is "Suicide Mickey." It is Adolf Hitler and it is Elvis Presley.

In this bizarre and wonderful short story collection, today's top fiction authors pull back the curtain on the biggest conspiracies of all time. Who really killed JFK? What happened in Roswell, New Mexico? Is Elvis still alive? With stories that run the gamut from touching to thrilling to utterly deranged, Tales of Tinfoil will take you on a tour of paranoia you won't soon forget.

Twelve short stories, twelve conspiracy theories, twelve twisted rabbit holes.

Hold on to your hats.

We've all heard the theories: the moon landing was fake; Elvis still lives; the CIA is secretly behind... well, pretty much everything. In this sometimes frightening, sometimes funny, but always irreverent short story collection, today's top authors spin their own imaginative tales around the theories you know (and some you don't). Explore the JFK assassination, Area 51, the moon landing, the surveillance state. Meet a French spy posing as Abraham Lincoln, play a video game designed by the CIA, watch "Suicide Mickey." Learn the truth about Adolf Hitler and Elvis Presley. Did any of this really happen? Probably not. But you never know...

Twelve short stories, twelve conspiracy theories, twelve twisted rabbit holes.

Hold on to your hats.


About the Author

Nick Cole is an army veteran and working actor living in Southern California. When he is not auditioning for commercials, going out for sitcoms, or being shot, kicked, stabbed, or beaten by film-school students, the author of The Wasteland Saga can often be found working as a guard for King Phillip II of Spain or in a similar role in Don Carlo at Los Angeles Opera.