Territories: Part One

A. M. Martin & Marck Mackey

Language: English

Published: Nov 9, 2017

Pages: 24


It all started with a virus four years ago. It unlocked a world of pure make-believe. It drove us down to our knees, and what we all believed to be pure genuine fiction escaped into the world - a nightmarish fairytale of vivid nightmares made of flesh and blood.
It didn't take long for our world to go down in flames. Cities decimated. Family and beloved friend’s dead. Our society became dominated with howls, screams, bloodshed, and destruction. Blame rested on our heads for this global carnage. Yeah, we were at fault for it.

A new society was born from the ashes of our own destruction - Lykens. Some humans chose to live within the territories, others within their own communities. Some run.
I'm Nikki. I'm Eighteen years old. And this is my story.

This is part of an ongoing serial that will be released in 2018. This specific piece rounds out at 4,421 words and is part one. Signing up for A.M Martin’s newsletter or following on Facebook and or Amazon would be a great way to stay up to date.