The Fall of Princes

Robert Goolrick

Language: English

Publisher: Algonquin Books

Published: Jun 24, 2015


"When you strike a match, it burns brighter in the first nanosecond than it will ever burn again. That first incandescence. That instantaneous and brilliant flash. The year was 1980, and I was the match, and that was the year I struck into blinding flame."
New York City. The 1980s. Young men, princes all. Too much money. Too much freedom. They thought it would never end.
In The Fall of Princes, bestselling author Robert Goolrick brings to vivid life a world of excess and self-indulgence, where limousines waited for hours outside Manhattan's newest trendy club or the latest dining hot spot. Where drugs were bountiful and not refused. Where no price was too high and flesh was always on offer. Where a quick trip to Europe or a weekend on the coast or a fabulous Hamptons beach house were just part of what was expected. When the money just kept coming, and coming, and coming . . . until it didn't.
Looking back on a Wall Street career that began...