The Smuggled Atom Bomb

Philip Wylie

Language: English

Publisher: Lancer Books

Published: Jan 1, 1951


Not only one of this contry's great authors, but a leading government consultant on Civil Defense, Philip Wylie spins suspense out of an atomic plot against the United States!


A graduate student stumbles across an insidious plot to unleash nuclear terror on America’s greatest cities in a blood-chillingly prescient tale from one of thriller fiction’s twentieth-century masters

Personable, good-looking, and a whiz at physics, graduate student Allan Diffenduffer “Duff” Bogan has a bright future ahead of him. But while staying at the home of an invalid widow in Florida, Duff makes a discovery that freezes his blood: a cache of uranium hidden in the locked closet of a fellow guest. The FBI is initially skeptical, but Duff knows all too well what his findings portend. Suddenly, not only is his future in jeopardy, the fate of millions of Americans hangs in the balance as well. If he cannot expose the horrific plot his nation’s enemies set in motion years before, entire cities will be reduced to piles of radioactive rubble in an unthinkable nuclear nightmare stretching from coast to coast. And time, it seems, is rapidly running out.


About the Author

Philip Wylie was a popular author of pulp fiction, sci-fi, and mysteries, as well as social commentary and nonfiction titles on a variety of subjects. His works include When Worlds Collide, Gladiator, and Generation of Vipers.

Matt Patterson grew up in New Hampshire. Since graduating from the Art Institute of Boston in 2006, he has worked in a variety of fields ranging from scientific to product illustration. Matt’s main focus is, and will always be, wildlife art.