Seals Strategic Warfare: Operation Hangman

Mike Martell

Language: English

Published: Jul 3, 2000

Pages: 280


The A CIA spook in pinstrips lay out the scenario -- and the SEALs are a deadly quarter of America's best, handpicked for the frontlines in the war against terrorism. The Every contingency is planned for. There can be no mistakes in the life-or-death, clockwork completion of a multi-phase operation half a world away. Failure is not an option. The To fight terror with terror. The Infiltrate a hostile terrorist training camp. Destroy a shipping lane. Disrupt the transfer of terrorist monies. Free a captive spy. Strike hard and fast and deadly with all the firepower they can carry to achieve the ultimate the termination of the world's most dangerous, elusive, and well-protected madman.
An electrifying novel of covert warfare that authentically re-creates a top secret SEALs op, from inception through preparation to the bloody confrontation, complete with maps, weapon illustrations, and briefings. This is the story of how the work gets done... and done right.