King's Buccaneer

Raymond E. Feist

Book 2 of Krondor's Sons

Language: English

Published: Jun 15, 1993


The King's Buccaneer (Krondor's Sons Series #2) by Raymond E. Feist

Long recovered from the ravages of the Riftwar, the land and people of the kingdom of the Isles thrive. Nicholas, the youngest son of Prince Arutha, is intelligent and gifted but vastly inexperienced. In hopes of hardening him, his father sends him and his irreverent squire, Harry, to live at Rustic Castle Crydee to learn of life beyond the halls of privilege. But within weeks of Nicholas and Harry's arrival, Crydee is viciously attacked by unknown assailants, resulting in murder, massive destruction, and the abduction of two young noblewomen. The raiders have come from a pirate haven and are no ordinary foe ... but an enemy connected to dark magical forces that threaten the lands Nicholas will someday rule if he survives.

Long recovered from the ravages of the Riftwar, the land and people of the kingdom of the Isles thrive. Nicholas, the youngest son of Prince Arutha, is intelligent and gifted but vastly inexperienced. In hopes of hardening him, his father sends him and his irreverent squire, Harry, to live at Rustic Castle Crydee to learn of life beyond the halls of privilege. But within weeks of Nicholas and Harry's arrival, Crydee is viciously attacked by unknown assailants, resulting in murder, massive destruction, and the abduction of two young noblewomen. The raiders have come from a pirate haven and are no ordinary foe ... but an enemy connected to dark magical forces that threaten the lands Nicholas will someday rule -- if he survives.


The whole of the magnificent Riftwar Cycle by bestselling author Raymond E. Feist, master of magic and adventure, now available in ebook

In Amos Trask's ship, Prince Nicholas and Squire Harry set sail for a friendly visit to Uncle Martin in Crydee. But while the two are guests in Crydee, disaster strikes.

Nicholas, third son of Prince Arutha, is a gifted youngster, but sheltered by life at his father’s court in Krondor. To learn more of the world outside the palace walls, Nicholas and his squire, Harry, set sail for pastoral Crydee, where Arutha grew up.

Shortly after their arrival, Crydee is brutally attacked. The castle is reduced to ruins, the townspeople slaughtered and two young noblewomen – friends of Nicholas – are abducted.

As Nicholas ventures further from the familiar landmarks of his home in pursuit of the invaders, he learns that there is more at stake than the fate of his friends, more even than fate of the Kingdom of the Isles, for behind the murderous pirates stands a force that threatens the entire world of Midkemia, and only he is destined to confront this terrifying threat.

Set ten years after the events in Prince of Blood, The King’s Buccaneer returns to Feist’s best-loved world in this stand-alone novel.


From Publishers Weekly

Feist's fifth book in the Riftwar series, begun in 1982 with Magician , is a lively coming-of-age adventure. Prince Nicholas, youngest son of the prince of Krondor, becomes a man and a leader while foiling ancient enemies of his people and his house. Nicholas, who has a club foot, is sent to his uncle the duke of Crydee to learn the responsibilities that accompany privilege. He and his squire, Harry, fall in love with two well-born girls and enter into rivalry with Marcus, the duke's son. When Crydee is invaded, slavers take the survivors of the slaughter, including Marcus's sister, Margaret, and her companion, Lady Abigail, who is the object of Nicholas's and Marcus's rivalry. To rescue them, Nicholas leads a small band to the pirate stronghold of Freeport. Here they discover deeply sinister motivations behind the attack and kidnapping, and Nicholas and Harry must quickly confront adult worries and judgments. Carefully developing his characters, their societies and their rules of magic, Feist once again delivers a superior, rousing adventure.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal

Set in the fantasy world of Midkemia, Feist's popular fantasy saga enters its second generation as an inexperienced prince faces dark magics as "the king's buccaneer." Previewed in Prepub Alert, LJ 7/92. Commemorating the tenth anniversary of its first publication, the expanded volume of Magician presents the definitive version of the story that launched the novels of the Riftwar.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.