The Eagle and the Sword

A. A. Attanasio

Book 2 of Arthor

Language: English

Publisher: Eos

Published: Jan 1, 1996


The Dragon and the Unicorn has been hailed as one of the ten best fantasy novels of 1995. Now A. A. Attanasio offers an equally stunning sequela rich, mythical epic in the tradition of Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon that reaches straight into the heart of the Arthurian legend.

He is Pendragon's son, the Eagle of Thor, destined to lead the doomed Celts against the Saxon invaders. Wielding his Roman sword "Short Life," he marches into battle to claim the glory of Camelot. But the powerful wizard Merlin sees the senseless death on young Arthor's hands. Endless murder will bathe Camelot in blood, unless Arthor can recapture the majesty that is his destiny and pull the mighty Excalibur from the star-stone at Creation's radiant heart. Review

Merlinus has fostered the future king of Britain with Kyner, a Celtic chieftain, protected by obscurity from the jealous hatred of the sorceress Morgeu. As Arthor [ sic ] grows to manhood, though, he becomes a twisted creature, loving violence and hating himself. What kind of king will he be? A chance journey leading to woodland encounters shapes his character and settles his destiny.

Arthor's story is a single thread in a vast, complex web of gods, demons, angels, a sorceress, a unicorn, a carpenter with a wish, a dragon, Saxons, an impoverished Aquitanian lady with a secret weapon, battle-hardened Celtic chieftains and treacherous Roman nobles, knights, warring religions, and fairies. A. A. Attanasio's metaphysics, marvels, and magic will keep your interest and suspense high.

From Library Journal

Attanasio continues the epic fantasy, begun in The Dragon and the Unicorn (HarperPrism: Harper Collins, 1996), with the story of young Arthor on his journey to Camelot. When Merlin discovers that Arthor's only joy is killing, he vows to turn the youth around with a magical sword. Recommended especially for fantasy collections where The Dragon and the Unicorn was popular.
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