The Day of the Wave

Becky Wicks

Language: English

Published: Apr 27, 2015


An inspirational historical romance novel following the real-life events of one of the world's biggest natural disasters - the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.

One tsunami. Two lives. Over a decade of questions.

Torn apart by the tragedy. Thrown back together ten years later by destiny... Isla and Ben were just sixteen when the Boxing Day tsunami ripped through their beach resort in Thailand. Just days after forming a life-changing bond, both were missing and presumed dead.

Unbeknown to each other and haunted by one of the biggest natural disasters in world history, Isla and Ben are living very different lives, until over a decade later when a chance encounter throws them back together.

Based on real life events, The Day of the Wave is a story of healing, learning to let go, and figuring out when to hold on with everything you have left.


  • On an emotionally charged historical romance novel: "I fell in love with the characters in this book. The pain and heartache they went through. The strength it took to rebuild their lives and move on. This was so much more then a romance." - Lynn's Love Of Books
  • On what people are calling one of the most inspirational new adult romance books for Kindle set in Thailand: "This book was amazing, incredible, wonderful, and so much more... It made my heart hurt, made my stomach hurt, and made me want to cry; all in a good way if that is possible!" - Archaeolibrarian
  • On a historical romance novel that will give you ALL the feels: "Great second chance romance with a twist." - Amazon Reviewer
  • On an historical romance with tragedy, passion and hope following the terror of a natural disaster: "The story line was superbly crafted and intricate and you will share in the emotional wave that the author created. All of the characters were well developed and strong and by the end of the story you will feel like everything and anything is possible when you open yourself and your heart to the opportunities that come your way." - Voluptuous Book Diva
  • On yet another book full of hope, romance and sex with a traveller’s twist: "Becky Wicks is a pro at describing locales in her books so well, that you can feel the sand beneath your feet, the wind coming in from the direction of the ocean. Her books make me wish I had the ability to travel the world!" - ChristyHerself Book Reviews

˃˃˃ NOTE: This is a standalone novel by the bestselling HarperCollins author of the licious books and 'Before he was Famous,' 'Before he was Gone,' and 'Before he was a Secret.'

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  • "Wow, what an inspiring, touching and romantic tale. This story is a beautiful, emotional ride that leads you from past to present to past then present all while tickling your senses into the future!" - Lisa Jane (book blogger)
  • "Becky Wicks' description of Thailand is both beautiful and tragic. It's so easy to get lost in the beautiful scenery and culture of Thailand and feel the lost when the wave hit part of it." - BlackPlume book blog
  • "Isla and Ben's relationship is such a struggle and a soulful experience that you cannot help but feel totally involved in it." - This Wacky Momma Book Reviews

From the Inside Flap

It's a clear night by the time we get back to Shady Palms. Izzy promised to go see Lawan again soon and after seeing the way they hugged when we left, I know she sees her as some kind mother figure now. My heart bleeds for what she lost, what happened to her, going through hell in all those hospitals. She didn't want to live for a while. She said it. She actually said it. I felt the same way after losing Toby.
'I can't stop thinking about how your real name is Isla,' I tell her as we walk onto the beach in front of our huts, drop to the sand and gaze out at the glistening ocean. Her head rests on my shoulder and the hair that's come loose from her braids tickles my face. 
'You're an island, Izzy,' I say. I say it out loud because I was thinking it, just now at Lawan's when I was watching her mouth move, the scars shining like rivers on her arms in the lamplight. 'You rose above the waves to survive.' 
'I never thought about that before.' She trails a finger through the sand. 'Everyone always says I'm one of the lucky ones, but I always wondered why I was left out. Why did I survive when so many other people died?'
'Tell me about it.' I rest my head on hers. 'We both kind of died in it and lived at the same time, I think.' 
'You've lived more than me,' she snaps back, almost angrily. 'Being alive is everything, Ben. It's all that matters - the now. I feel like I've been wasting my life so far! I don't want to go back to that job, or London.'
'Then don't.'
Her head springs up and her eyes shoot up to mine. Something in her gaze draws me in again, right down those damn corridors into a place I always get lost. I know what she's thinking though, and my stomach knots till my breath shortens and I have to tear my eyes away. She's thinking this is the start of something and it's my fault. The thought is like a fork in a toaster, shooting out warning sparks now, not the good kind. What am I doing, with Izzy of all people? 
Don't think about it.
She puts her hand to my cheek, turning me back to her. 'You OK?'
'I'm OK,' I tell her quickly, 'just having a hard time believing this is all happening.'
'Maybe it was supposed to,' she says, shuffling around to sit in front of me, cross-legged, covered in sand. 'Isn't that what you said, at the waterfall?'
'I don't know, Izzy.' I say it under my breath. Her eyebrows knit together but in a second I'm kissing the doubt away, willing the thoughts to stop colliding in my brain; the ones that scream how right she is, and this is, and the ones that scream this has to stop. I pull her back with me. She's in my head and my heart and my soul but I'll hurt her, like I hurt everyone. How could I not, in the end?
Don't think about it. 
I kiss her harder and her arms wrap around me till she's on top of me on the sand and I'm swimming in the ocean of her, and not the thoughts that try to drown me every time I get my head above the water
She's good for you.
But Ben. She doesn't know the half of what you know.