
Jo Clayton

Book 2 of Wild Magic

Language: English

Publisher: DAW

Published: Jun 2, 1992


"Forever separated from the only home and family she has ever known, young Faan embarks upon a difficult and daring search to find her true mother - a powerful sorceress who lies bespelled in a magical sleep, far away on the isle of Faan's birth. But distance and old sorceries are not all which separate Faan and her mother, for a sibyl has decreed that her fate is inextricably entwined with the fates of two others, both pawns in the power struggles between gods and power-hungry magicians. And Faan, not yet fully trained int he use of her own ever-growing magical talents, finds herself one again embroiled in the deadly sorcerous battles of those who seek to control her world." - T.p. [4].